Nursery walls are to die for!

Lewis Geter
2 min readJan 26, 2021


Photo by Luke Tanis on Unsplash

I remember reading this short story from Ray Bradbury a while back but it was interesting reading it again. If you don’t know the story then I will give you the shortest summary possible. Nursery wall kills parents…no wait. Parents meet their demise due to technology…yes there you go. Some people may not like this short story due to its dark take on technology but I for one enjoy this dark approach to technology because it’s a possibility. We humans rely on technology especially now, but it’s not good to rely on something too much. Yes, there have been many benefits due to technology, however, too much of anything can be harmful as we see in Veldt. The parents relied too much on technology it became a daily part of their lives. They couldn’t function without it. The children would have fits and even grew up viewing the house as their mother and father. Not a good luck on the parents I can say for certain. And unfortunately, the parents were too late in dealing with the consequences of their actions. I like how the ending was structured. The children are eating, acting as if nothing happens. The author doesn’t blatantly say the parents died. He creates a “death offscreen” ending which I enjoyed. But I do have an issue with some of the scenes in the book. What I don’t understand is why the mother who insisted on going on vacation and shutting down the house, told her husband to let them back into the nursery one last time? Why doesn’t the father put his foot down when his son talks to him in such a rude manner? Because the parents didn’t act like adults they ended up dead. So what’s the moral of the story? Control technology or it will control you? Nah. Don't invest in nursery walls because they are to die for!

