What is the Internet?

Lewis Geter
3 min readFeb 11, 2021


The Internet, what is it? Why do we have it and what benefits come from it? Is it a blessing or a curse? The Internet is a piece of work created by great minds and has been used as a way to research, communicate, learn, and voice our opinions. Of course, the Internet can be difficult for some who are not used to it, but as of 2010, 8.1 billion people use the Internet, whether it's on their phones, laptops, computers, tablets, or consoles. It has become a daily tool that we use in our everyday lives. Now let’s make this clear, the Internet is not the Web. While they do contribute to each other they are not the same. Think of the Internet as roads that connect towns and cities together. And think of the Web as houses, theaters, malls, and restaurants. The Internet is comprised of different servers and networks that come together and perform their rightful duties.

I believe the Internet is a blessing because it can bring people together from all over the world. Having good Internet that is. Imagine being able to communicate with someone from Asia while you are in America. To do that back in the day I would have to send a letter which would take weeks to get there and then several more weeks to receive one. But now we can do it in one click. People now have more business opportunities now than ever before. I can now send my resume to many companies at once. Whenever there are stressful times in my life I turn to social media to give me entertainment. Youtube, Instagram, and Twitter have all entertained me throughout my job, school, and times when I was bored. I can find information that I’m looking for and can learn almost anything due to the Internet. Because of the internet, all of these things are possible

Even though the Internet can be a blessing, it can also be a curse. Due to the Internet, there are more scammers and hackers who can easily hurt other people or companies. People have less attention span, are more prone to the fear of missing out, are exposed to cyberbullying, and can become technology addicts. As we have seen throughout the years, misinformation on the Internet can be harmful because it will influence people in the wrong way. And sharing that information will cause more people to believe it’s real and even inflict harm on others. Hate groups can spread their propaganda easier and gain more followers. The Internet gives everyone a chance to voice their opinions, even if some are dumb or make no common sense at all. The Internet can be scary at times. You never know who’s watching you, who has your information, or if you’re obtaining false information. Just as the Internet makes life easier for good people it can make life easier for bad people as well.

But whatever is good must have bad too, right? And as a race, we continue to move on and learn new things. Without us, the Internet can’t improve or advance at all. Due to this pandemic, we had to change things. School, jobs, our everyday life is different. But what made a difference was the Internet. Without it, this pandemic would be a lot different. Shoot the world would be different. However, if the Internet went down for whatever reason we would have to adapt to that as well. I for one enjoy the Internet. I enjoy learning new things, listening to music, watching youtube videos, and being able to connect with others. I believe the Internet will continue to grow as we grow because there is no Internet without us.

